The Rhodes University Nine-Tenths Matric Mentoring Programme wins First Prize in the prestigious 2021 MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship
The MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship, launched in 2009, recognises exemplary university student civic engagement programs worldwide. The prize is sponsored jointly by the MacJannet Foundation and The Talloires Network. The Talloires Network is the global authority on university community engagement.
Rhodes University is the first South African university to win first place for this prestigious prize! Out of a global association of 388 universities in 77 countries on six continents, all committed to developing student leaders who are actively engaged with society. In the past, our sister universities, WITS won (3rd place in 2014) and NWU (2nd place in 2012), respectively. It is a HUGE achievement and great recognition of the collective work that makes the Nine-Tenths programme happen.
The Nine-Tenths was one of the first initiatives implemented as a targeted programme for student volunteer mentorship. The mentors guided local learners through nine structured sessions to equip learners to pass to their full potential. The Nine-Tenths programme was conceptualised and launched in 2016 and is now in its sixth year.
Nine-Tenths is co-managed by the Rhodes University Community Engagement Division (RUCE), local high schools and a local Non-profit Organisation, GADRA Education. Programme responsibilities are carried out in a participatory manner by each partner based on their skillset and resources.
The Nine-Tenths aims to:
· Alleviate the poor national school dropout rate, increase the Makhanda pass rate, and increase access to higher education institutions (and other post-school opportunities) for local students.
· Contribute to Rhodes University students’ holistic development and character building as socially engaged and critical citizens.
· Create a successful, replicable model to address a common crisis nationally.
· Cultivate mutually beneficial relationships between mentors and mentees, which serve to embed Rhodes University in its local context and build the Makhanda community.
· Build community engagement as an academic discipline.
Source: Diana Hornby – RUCE